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Instagram Follow bot

Our Bot offers Followers, Likes and comments to you or the targeted post, and is completely free to use, stop being a social nobody and download today, some of our users have gotten thousands over followers, comments and likes by using this

How to download

Firstly turn off your windows defender as it shows as a false flag, click the download button and you'll be redirected to the download page, unzip the file and use the exe and enjoy.

Instagram Follow Bot menu

Features of Instagram Follow Bot

1. Automated Follower Growth

  • Targeted Following: Use advanced filters to follow users based on interests, hashtags, location, and more.

  • Smart Unfollow: Automatically unfollow users who do not follow back within a specified time frame to maintain a balanced follower ratio.

  • Follow Back Management: Prioritize and follow back users who engage with your profile.

2. Boost Engagement

  • Auto Likes: Automatically like posts on behalf of your profile based on specific hashtags, user profiles, or your feed.

  • Auto Comments: Generate and post personalized comments to increase interaction and visibility.

  • Story Viewing: Automatically view stories to improve profile impressions and engagement metrics.

3. Advanced Targeting Options

  • Hashtag Targeting: Engage with users who post using specific hashtags related to your niche or interests.

  • Location Targeting: Follow, like, and comment on users in specific geographic locations.

  • Competitor Analysis: Identify and engage with followers of competitor profiles to expand your audience base.

4. User-Friendly Interface

  • Dashboard Overview: Monitor your growth, engagement metrics, and bot activities through an intuitive dashboard.

  • Custom Schedules: Set specific times for the bot to operate to mimic natural user behavior and avoid detection.

  • Activity Logs: Access detailed logs of all bot activities, including follows, likes, comments, and unfollows.

5. Safety & Compliance

  • Rate Limiting: Adhere to Instagram’s activity limits to minimize the risk of account suspension or ban.

  • Human-Like Behavior: Emulate human interactions to keep your profile under the radar of Instagram's detection algorithms.

  • Proxy Support: Integrate with proxies to manage multiple accounts safely and avoid IP bans.

6. Integration & Support

  • Multi-Account Management: Operate the bot across multiple Instagram accounts from a single platform.

  • API Integration: Utilize API endpoints for seamless integration with other marketing tools and services.

  • Customer Support: Access round-the-clock customer support for troubleshooting and optimizing bot performance.


1. What is the Instagram Follow Bot?

The Instagram Follow Bot is a sophisticated automation tool designed to help you grow your Instagram presence by automating follows, likes, comments, and other engagement activities. It targets users based on specific criteria to boost your profile's visibility and engagement organically.

3. Is it safe to use?

Yes, the bot is designed with safety features to mimic natural human behaviour, reducing the risk of detection and suspension. It adheres to Instagram’s rate limits and includes options for proxy support to manage multiple accounts securely.

5. How do I set up the bot?

Setup is straightforward. After installing the software, you can configure the bot through the user-friendly dashboard. Set your preferences for follows, likes, comments, and other activities, and specify your target criteria. Detailed documentation and customer support are available to guide you through the process.

7. Can I manage multiple Instagram accounts?

Yes, the bot supports multi-account management. You can operate several Instagram accounts from one interface, making it ideal for agencies, influencers, and businesses managing multiple profiles.

9. How do I schedule activities?

You can set custom schedules for the bot's activities directly from the dashboard. Specify the times and days you want the bot to operate, allowing it to perform actions at intervals that appear natural and avoid detection.

2. How does the bot work?

The bot uses advanced algorithms to simulate human interactions on Instagram. It can follow users, like posts, comment on posts, and even view stories according to the parameters you set. It can operate continuously or on a schedule, helping you maintain a consistent growth strategy.

4. Can I target specific users?

Absolutely! The bot allows for detailed targeting based on hashtags, locations, user profiles, and even followers of competitors. This ensures that your engagement efforts are directed towards users who are most likely to be interested in your content.

6. Will my account be banned for using this bot?

While no automation tool can guarantee complete safety, our bot is designed to minimize risks by emulating human behaviour and adhering to Instagram's activity limits. It's important to use the bot responsibly, avoid aggressive settings, and stay informed about Instagram's latest policies.

8. What kind of support is available?

We offer comprehensive support including a knowledge base, video tutorials, and 24/7 customer service to assist you with setup, troubleshooting, and optimizing bot performance.

10. What are proxies and why should I use them?

Proxies act as intermediaries between your bot and Instagram’s servers. They help manage multiple accounts by assigning different IP addresses to each session, which reduces the risk of account linking and enhances security.

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